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Supramolecular Chemistry & Biological Sensors Lab

The Dr. A.Sivaiah research lab at SVNIT is inviting applications for highly motivated & passionate candidates for Master's thesis, Ph.D., and postdoc positions who are interested in organic chemistry, biology, and materials science are encouraged to apply directly at with their CV.
Ph.D.: Master's degree in Chemistry, biology, and material science (Priority will be given to the candidates having fellowships like CSIR-JRF, UGC-JRF, ICMR, Inspire, etc). Interested students may apply through the SVNIT Ph.D. program.For more information, please check:
Post. Docs: Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry under the DST-SERB National Post Doctoral Fellowship (N-PDF) or any other scheme. Interested candidates should contact Dr. A. Sivaiah with the latest CV along with the one-page research statement describing the applicant’s research interests.
Research Opportunity for Undergraduate Students/Internships Opportunity: We also welcome students from other Institutes who are interested work on summer/semester-long projects or a short-term internship during the semester break. Interested candidates should contact Dr. A. Sivaiah with their latest CV.
Contact Us
Dr. A. Sivaiah
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
SVNIT, Surat-395007
Email id-
Mobile: 9515439907
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